Cmnordin's Blog

Just another weblog

… is how I feel about life right now October 14, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — cmnordin @ 1:04 am

Marathon training has been going well.  Decided no matter what the time I am going to make it over the finish line and so I don’t freeze my ass off doing it, I bought some new spandex.  Can’t wait to wear those.  Aside from my almost daily running, I have come to somewhat of a major crisis in my life.  I’ve been really unhappy and depressed for a long time and I know most of that is due to losing my father.  It was really bad for awhile and then got better as school picked up.  Lately though my mood has once again taken a turn for the worst.  I realize there really isn’t much that I can do except make the things I can control more positive.  After evaluating I came to these conclusions: -I am lonely being in a new city where I don’t know many people therefore I have a lot of downtime or time that is spent to myself (studying, reading, etc.) and I am not happy in what I am studying.  So where does this leave me… I don’t really know.  I know there needs to be a change but finding motivation is not the easiest task; depression is an ugly monster.


Marathon training day 1 October 7, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — cmnordin @ 8:46 pm

So roommate and I decided one night to run a marathon that is like only a month away.  Call us crazy but now on top of our already busy schedules we have to cram in hours and miles of running a day.  I honestly have no idea how but I know this experience is going to change me.  My feet already look disgusting (thinking about posting some pics of those bad boys) from our first run, 16 miles.  This run really was a nice way to enjoy a Sunday.  Started out from the apt., went down and around Lucas and did some people dodging on gameday, and then headed up Meridian until we got to the turn off for BRip.  We took Washington back home, or at least until 38th.  Running is my favorite way to discover and see things and this route didn’t let us down.  It was a great way to look at all the houses and the neighborhood.  We made our first big mistake by stopping at a really nice Subway on 38th and Meridian for some water and the bathroom on the way home.  After that fatigue was fighting against us and every step felt like there were lead weights in my shoes.  Running back to the apt. is usually my favorite part of the run because I can take whatever I have left and go all out.  This day, not so much.  Miles of abortion protesters lined Meridian, but they didn’t just stand in a nice little row they took up the whole sidewalk so we were either running on the street or grass.  I completely respect what these people were doing but as a runner and someone that utilizes sidewalks quite often, please share!  Nothing annoys me more than people who manage to spread out enough to take up the whole width of the walk like it is theirs and they are the only ones in the world allowed to use it. These people also kept sticking the signs in my face, which after seeing the signs for the past 2 miles, I knew what they said.  Another piece of advice…if you are going to take up the whole sidewalk and piss me off, don’t try to get me on your side.  No one likes the annoying kid.  We made it home safely though and no one was hurt.  Only like 32 more days now…


realizations October 4, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — cmnordin @ 5:38 am

So being in a new environment has really helped me learn a lot about myself.  When getting to know people you tend to get asked the same basic questions over and over.  Where are you from?  What brought you to Indy? etc.  One in particular has got me thinking…What is something interesting about you?  My response: “uhhhhh!”.  I don’t know if anyone else has this type of problem with talking about themselves but I sure do.  Listening to all the interesting things that other people do makes me want to aspire to find some activity to make what I consider an already fulfilling life more interesting.  A part of this is in order to help make me more marketable but a majority of the reason why I am going to intentionally try new things is personal.  I am hoping to use this mission and blog as an outlet for whatever is ailing me.